

Dallas is Droppin' Dimes

Empire friend, and lover, Dallas Ives has a neat little interview article, with great photographs over at push.ca, go check it out, its a good read.

until next time, watch out for shoes the next time you visit Iraq for the last time.

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h.e. skates -|- vol.02


h.e. animated

This is Dallas... as a Triangle head.

first try, so its rawwwwwwwwwwwwww

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h.e. misses Dallas

Dallas has been in Windsor for about 2 weeks, but he is coming back to the big smoke tonight!!! which is good!! Mikey has a broken foot, we wish him a quick and powerful recovery, luckily it is snowing now, so the injury is a tad more tolerable, but still terrible.

<3 .humble.empire.

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just press 2 for a while...

So there is some great news in the h.e. world. first off in the skate munt Dallas is ripping it hard and picking up sponsers left and right, I heard he is getting awesome packages from Centre, mad congratulations to him, and much love for the support of h.e. that Dalls is throwing down. h.e. loves you.

h.e. news

We are about to embark on our second batch of shirts... if anyone would like to contribute ideas, madness, support, or anything else please contact us. We also have a new message up in... you guessed it, the message. remember to click on the image if its too small for you to read the chicken scratch writing!



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