

h.e. holds door's for her, settles score's for her...

h.e. does what h.e. can.

Had a wonderful skate throughout the core of the smoke last night, with h.e. riders Jesse, Mikey, and Sizzle... in tow we're Tom Wilk, James Dennome, and Quick was out with his camera, tho im thinkin he is leanin towards snappin photos. He was on point with the point-n-shoot. We had the normal of nights in the dot... security, security, douch-bag security, nice security, dude with a walkie-talkie and a suit.

Surprisingly Mikey and Tom skated a set, which is normally a bust, for a good long time, until they were both tired of it. Mikey had some choice words, but he still walked away with a FS flip. Afterwards James tried his luck at Cloud Gardens, but his board would rather swim.

I think thats good for a pointless, yet not so pointless update. maybe a clip of this night soon?


The Empire.

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h.e. doesnt like it

explanation #.01

I just moved onto a couch... so my scanner and PC isnt set up, let alone an internet connection... so drawings will be on hold for now.

what this means - Time for Shirts!

Opinion Time

Ok, so the lovely city of Toronto is taking the Big Brother approach, installing "Security Camera's" at 16 different intersections throughout the city... I understand fully that they make sense, the idea that if this is recording something terrible happen, they can go back and view it at the time of the incident and hopefully acquire evidence that previously would be difficult to make believable. Really tho, look at how creepy and large those boxes that hold the camera's "brain." That is less than comforting walking around with those at every intersection. When is the time going to come, that they have people sitting and watching each camera dilligently? the article in this post, states that they are going to unveil them... but last night I watched the news article about them being on and running... and then i went downtown... disgusting.

they are watching us.
h.e. doesnt like it.

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