

h.e. is going to pack bags.

ever wanted to get ready now, and just go?

pack all your things(you need) and just go?

just go!

but where?

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h.e. shirts!

yes, it has been a long high-a-dus but we are making shirts.


THIS WEEK!!! yes, I am well too excited, and Mike is equally enthralled to create some new stuff for you lovely people to support (if you so choose to).

if you want a shirt... email myself or mike. if you dont know our emails.

here they are:

Kyle: kyle.mccreight@gmail.com
Mike: yourgodsnotforme@hotmail.com

well, the next post should have samples of the shirts we are making.


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h.e. passed out

ever plan to go somewhere, and you genuinely want to...
but then you pass out for a while, and when you awaken ready to go...
you walk to the door and like a rush of blood, this feeling of lameness overwhelms you and you stay inside editing skate videos instead? have you?

Im unpleased with myself, at this moment.

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